Helping you market beyond social media

With the stories that click with your potential clients at scale. Told in a way that connects with their own.

Are you tired of marketing strategies that require you to always be “on?” 

Sick of the neeevvvver ending pressure to keep up with the Algorithm changes, new trends, all. of. it.

And it’s scary to think you might be losing precious time in the present, with what matters the most.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are other ways to market that don’t require you to be “on” all the time…

*Cue the Copy!*

Having a quality website and emails can become your most effective marketing tool! And the best part? Once you have the right words—they do the marketing for you!

Even when you aren’t “on” marketing yourself, the right words work while you are away.

So you can spend time doing what you *actually* enjoy in your business aka changing people’s live.

“You make me want to hire me what the heck hahah”

—Maureen E.

It’s time for words that market for you

Website Copywriting

I write your website to do two things: First, it plays a role in your marketing, guiding someone closer to working with you—whether that is to join your list, book a call, or whatever your goal is. Second, it builds brand authority and trust with your potential clients. I do this with clear messaging and sharing your story in a simple way that connects and shows why you are different. Afterward, you'll have the confidence to share your website with your potential clients, knowing it will appeal to them.

One of the package options includes design with one of the best designers I know.

Investment: Starting at €2,997

Email Marketing

Want a place to nurture the people who came to your site, but didn’t buy… yet?


4 Monthy newsletter retainer: €997/ month

Hold the phone, how the bleep do your words market for me!?

2 ways:

Research-backed copywriting

After taking a research course in college, I learned that guessing ain’t gonna cut it. If you want to know what your potential clients want, it’s gotta come directly FROM them.

So after you share everything about your business with me, I have my own research process where I get to know your potential clients very well, we’re talking (how did you know that about me? Well).

When I’m finished I’m able to put myself in their shoes. Aaand from there I can bridge the gap between what they want and how it relates to your offer. 

I then use my knowledge of the buyer journey (basically the journey someone takes from not knowing you to becoming a customer) and write words that take them from cold to warm to you are the best option!! 

And don’t worry I also infuse your personality to create the know, like, and trust factor.

This all saves you time on marketing because there is a journey someone needs to take before they buy. And with my copy process in place, your website will take them on that journey.

Clear messaging

We all have the “curse of knowledge” being soo close to our own business. So having my outside perspective to see your business clearly, together with my understanding of where your copy fits in the overall marketing strategy. I am able to help you craft a clear message based on all my research. Having a clear message in your copy will give you the clarity you need to confidently say what you do, and be an invaluable asset you can apply to any platform. 

Making your marketing message laser sharp and results-driven toward your business goals. 

The Process:

Step 1:

After we decide to work together, I will send you an onboarding form with all the important questions to learn allll about your business.

Step 2:

We then get on a 1-2 hour call and I ask even deeper questions based on what you filled out in the survey. Anything that stands out, that I need clarity on etc. I will then ask questions to hear your stories relating to your business.

Step 3:

I begin by analyzing your brand voice, I purposely recorded our call and had it transcribed so I can see how you naturally speak. I then analyze any other written material you have that represents your brand voice well. I go into the sentence length, common words, etc. I want to make sure the writing is on brand.

Step 4:

I then begin my research process. This involves going deep into how your ideal clients think and the deeper reasoning behind them wanting to buy your service. What are their worries and desires relating to your service? What are they saying about it online? In the comment section of competitors? I go real deeeep.

Step 5:

After all the research is complete I begin writing your website. I write in a way that firstly focuses on your ideal client's interests and even their words. I then blend in your unique perspective including your voice and stories.

Last step!

After it’s complete, I send it over and you get to comment any revisions you would like made! I then send over the completed copy via a fancy (call me basic) Google doc. :)

You now have copywriting that does the heavy lifting for you. Marketing when you aren’t!

Success is waking up happy, thanks Gary V…

That lil quote on an IG reel spoke deeply to me at a time I was not waking up happy. Though I often neglect my own advice I’ve begun to figure out that it is better to use our time to enjoy life, Instead of wasting it guessing my marketing message. Posting less of the RIGHT message is what leads to results, over burning out posting more of the wrong ones.


  • Yes, it can. But to be clear I’m not talking about traffic here. I write words through research that market to the people coming to your copy. Meaning I connect a desire they have to what you are selling, and bring them further along the buyer journey.

  • You can write it yourself. But writing and copywriting are two very different skills. While everyone can write, not everyone can write copy that persuades. My type of copywriting is direct response structured in a way to promote action aka clicking the button.

  • Your designer studied design, not copywriting. While their designs are made with the intention to get someone to buy. Their words will not be (unless they are a unicorn and also studied copywriting.) The same amount of psychology-backed strategies they use for design are needed for your copy.

  • You can, and i’ll even show you how (in the process of creating a freebie) While it can be a great tool to write faster and put your thoughts together cohesively, the real value in copywriting is having the outside perspective on your business. The same mind that is too close to your business is the same one that will be prompting chatgpt. This and the fact it currently suuuxxx at the research process.

  • How much is it costing you NOT to have the proper words on your site? If you are getting traffic already what is it worth to you to spark more interest in your services in those already visiting your site?

  • That is great, and if it’s effective for your business then stick with it. But I find that it’s HARD to answer questions about our own business being so close to it. I have found having an outside perspective can bring additional clarity. Another thing is that the process of a copywriter vs. just a template is also much more extensive really diving deep into the way your ideal clients think and really keeping that top of mind while writing for you

  • On our call I record your voice so I quite literally write it in your voice. I also analyze your writing to make sure it has a similar flow. But what is equally as important as writing in your voice, is writing with your potential clients in mind. What words do they use to describe their problems? I make sure to keep this top of mind throughout as well.

  • I always say beginners should not invest in copywriting yet. This is for those who have already worked with at least 5 people, and have proof of concept and some social proof/ testimonials. They say copy is only 20% of the equation. 40% is your service and another 40% is your audience.