Email Marketing Management

Making email your most valuable business asset through strategy & storytelling

You are DONE leaving the fate of your business in the hands of an algorithm

You probably want to prioritize email marketing because at some point you realized you don't actually own your social accounts and want to grow your business beyond these platforms. You want a reliable way to stay connected to your audience, without it being dictated by an ever-changing algorithm. Unlike social media where the fate of your posts depends on the algorithm, 99% of people check their email daily!

How you show up when you are not selling matters just as much as how you show up when you are

Most businesses only focus on emailing their list when there is a promotion coming up, but that misses out on the full potential. I view your list as a place to nurture your warmest leads weekly so that when you do sell, they are ready. Not only that, story-focused emails also build a relationship with your audience which keeps you top of mind independent of social media. 

My goal with your weekly emails is to have them lead to what you are selling

So you aren't just an occasional visitor in their inbox reminding them of your existence or the next big sale. But to send regular emails that provide value, and encourage engagement all with a strategy meaning they follow the buyer's journey. This keeps your list warm.

Well, the value depends on you and the kind of value you want to offer. The way we maintain a warm list is by always having a strategy behind what is sent. I begin first by learning your business goals and what you are selling each quarter. From there we figure out a valuable email strategy that leads back to the problem you are solving with your offer. I believe selling and value-driven emails can coexist. 

What this value looks like is unique to your business and what will resonate with your audience. From advice, to an industry insight or a motivational story. There are many ways to provide value and we will find the one that works best for your business. 

What does this look like?

Weekly email Copywriting:

Whats included?

✔Deep dive questionnaire into your business

To get to know the most important aspects of your business.

✔90-minute onboarding call 

In this call, we cover the most relevant parts of the questionnaire and go even deeper. This is also where I ask you the questions that will uncover the stories you have that sell.

✔ Email Writing

Backed with a strategy, and the research to create a value-packed email. Delivered in a fancy Google doc for you to look over, and add anything you would like.

✔ Email Storytelling

Story mining on the call where I go through and ask you questions to find the entertaining and relevant stories to share with your list.

✔ Email management

Where I go in and schedule out emails for you, and any light design.


Including competitors, voice of customer, and any other data you have to learn deeply what your audience wants.


  • When you do have something to sell, they’re way more likely to be interested because they feel like they know, like, and trust you.

  • Increased open and click-through rates because your emails become a part of their routine instead of an occasional interruption.

  • Have email off your plate with the confidence that when you bring someone into your space you have a place for them to be nurtured with a strategy.


✔A strategist’s eyes on your email list regularly looking for places to optimize

Having a strategist in your inbox to look over analytics, always looking to optimize and potential opportunities to segment. Also If I notice ways to optimize your offer or list, I’ll share those with you.


€1000/ month 4 emails

€1500/month 6 emails

€2000/month 10 emails

€3000/month 16-20 emails including important workflows & light tagging & segmentation

How it works

01 Discovery & Story Bank Creation

To begin we start with an hour-long chat where I learn all about you and your business. What are your goals with your email? How do you want your newsletter structured? What are you currently selling this quarter? Then we talk about you, your business, and the kind of things you’d tell a friend over coffee (or in my case hot cocoa lol). I find out what’s interesting and different about you, what you do, or something fun that happened. Your stories, your values your mission.

02 Content Planning:

Each month I'll send you a list of potential newsletter topics based on your business goals, what resonates with your audience, and industry trends. You get to select what resonates most and have the option to provide additional insights for each chosen topic.

03 Personalized Story

Drawing on the story bank to make sure every email feels like it's coming from you, I will choose one of your stories or insights, these make the emails fun to read and support the overall point and message.

04 Writing

I then begin writing your newsletters depending on your goal whether that be warming them up to your latest offer, building a relationship to increase engagement, or simply sharing the kind of value that makes them think, “Wow, I’m glad I read that email.” They are written with the buyer journey & other best copywriting principles in mind (aka for conversion).  Clear, friendly, and engaging emails that your audience looks forward to.

05 Revision:

One round of revisions for each newsletter to make sure you are happy with the outcome.

“Working with Makenna is a dream, she’s one of the most thoughtful women who truly cares about you, your story, and communicating this in a way that truly connects with your ideal clients.”

-Lauren Barlow (Business Coach)

“Her ability to transform ideas into reality is nothing short of impressive. We're grateful for her dedication, creativity, and the magic she brought to our messaging. Makenna is not just a copywriter; she's the secret behind our story's success.”

-Salynn Taylor (Marketing Agency)