Copy vs. Content

These two get mixed up a lot.

But they each serve a different purpose here’s what those are…


Purpose — Build brand awareness

Content helps when someone is just finding you. It’s used well for telling them about yourself, and showing what you know. It’s great for creating awareness and building a relationship.

Examples: Social media, newsletters, blogs.


Purpose — To sell and get people to take action. Usually ends with a CTA (Call to Action).

This is best used when people already know about you and might want to buy something.

Examples: Ads, landing pages, sales pages, email funnels, and sometimes social media posts. And parts of a website.

Now how do these all fit together in your marketing strategy!?

The customer journey:

This isn’t clear cut but I like exploring how these both fit into a marketing strategy. And here’s what I’m kind of thinking.

So first the Customer Journey (Aka the journey of someone first finding you to becoming a customer)

There are 5 parts in the marketing journey from someone becoming aware of you to becoming a customer.

Those are: unaware, problem aware, solution aware, product aware, and most aware.

The first 2 can be seen as having more of a content focus:

Unaware, Problem Aware

These stages are more content-oriented because they focus on education.

These parts of the customer journey educate a potential client about a problem they could be facing, and why it’s important to deal with it. This is the pre-stage for introducing your offer.

The next 3 can be seen as having more of a copy focus:

Solution aware, Product Aware, Most Aware

These stages are more focused on introducing your service, telling people why you’re the best choice, and persuading them to act.

Usually, the actual CTA is at the most aware stage but it can be throughout. The copy-based text is action-oriented and nudges the reader to do something, like buying your product or service.

Overall both are important in first bringing awareness to your brand and ultimately signing new customers!

Most websites have content, and while that is an important part of your overall personal brand and building trust. It is equally important to have copy on your website. Copy is what creates a desire to buy your services.

If you would like copy written on your website click below!

See what I did there? ;)